View Profile Zingking
"...and pee on it!"

Billy Hughes @Zingking

Age 34, Male

2010 List Completer!

Ontario, CANADA!

Joined on 2/7/06

Exp Points:
4,510 / 4,900
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6.25 votes
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Zingking's News

Posted by Zingking - March 26th, 2010

Okay it's time I got back on the horse and started knocking things off the list!

I'm doing number 17 right now! Which is staying up as long as I can (without naps) and minimum is 48 hours. I have been up since 1:23 AM so I have to stay up til 1:23 AM Sunday, I will be posting updates every 12 hours at least! And hopefully videos along with those :D


If you wanna stay updated with this little event I'm doing, or to see the videos go to my webpage (link is on the side)

Click here for the contently updated post, videos will be posted too

Posted by Zingking - March 10th, 2010

Okay if you have heard of SOB then be jealous, cuz they are from my home town and I'm gunna go see them this March at a location establishment where bands play!

Posted by Zingking - February 4th, 2010

Me singing, rock climbing, and hanging with a super hot chick! NO joke on the hot chick, HAHA


Posted by Zingking - December 30th, 2009

Hey guys!

I'm going on a crazy lil adventure, and I hope you all can join me for the ride!

Check out my blog Click Here

I'm doing some crazy stuff!

Posted by Zingking - September 17th, 2009

So yeah around 10 something yesterday morning, I suddenly started feeling really sick, spent about 20 minutes over a garbage pale debating on whether I was going to puke or not, I ended up deciding to just go to bed, hoping that would make me feel better, and it did, so yeah I only stayed up for like 15 hours, which if I end up staying up til like 3 am today will easily beat that... so I give up, back to getting into animation again...

Posted by Zingking - September 16th, 2009

I'm dead right now, no energy whats so ever, which is pretty sad since what I used to do in high school...

Well my options to do something are now limited, because since my mode of transportation is a sport scooter, I don't feel awake enough to be able to ride that thing around and not get in a accident....

I can't go and watch tv, I'll fall asleep on the couch....

My only options seem to be play video games, draw, or find someone to hang out with, but drawing with be useless in this state, and all my friends are in class for at least 5 more hours....

I'm trying not to give up home, but it is rather seeming to be pointless....

Posted by Zingking - September 16th, 2009

Well its been a good 12 hours almost, so basically a normal day for most of you, i still have hopefully 36 hours more of staying up, unfortunately I never got a hold of a documentary which t'was suggested, but no big deal, ill hopefully find one :D

All I did for the last 12 hours was watch newgrounds animations, play devil may cry 4, and final fantasy 8 (i know its a classic), so I need to go to work for a bit in a couple of hours and i think i may spend some time drawing :D

So yeah, give me ideas to occupy my time with, its going to be getting much harder as time goes by, so i need idea's ppl :D

so watch it its got a really catchy song

Posted by Zingking - September 15th, 2009

So yeah, just felt like everyone should know I'm doing this, Its been like 3 years since I last did this, but I am seeing how long I can stay awake for, I might even push out an animation while i do it. My goal is at least 48 hours, because I just accidentally was asleep for about 19 hours, so I think I can do this, I'll comment on what I'm currently up to, but you all should try and keep track of me, anyways I have been up for about an hour, but since I dont know the exact time I awoke, we'll say 7:30 EST!

Wish me luck, and if you have any ideas on what I should do with my time, let me know, ps coffee is my best friend for the next 2 days :)

Posted by Zingking - June 9th, 2009

Ok so the website is well on its way to being complete but I have a quick proposition for all who read this.

I need ideas for stupid things I can do that you would all love to see me post on my website.
And I mean virtually anything, you know what they say there is no bad idea

Well there are bad ideas just dont be the person with them, lol

I'd like to see what you guys come up with :P

Posted by Zingking - May 7th, 2009

Starting on my birthday (June 1st) I will begin a 3 year adventure to accumulate at least 1 Million Dollars!

A lot of you may think its impossible, thats $333,333.34 a year....
Thats $27,777.77 a month...
About $6,944.44 a week
And about $992.06 a day....
And if ya really wanna know $82.67 an hour on a 12 hour per day basis

Yeah I know, sounds INSANE! But all i need is one tool at my disposal...


I will weekly post my progress starting the day after my birthday (not my birthday tho, cuz its my 19th, and I live in canada, so I'm gunna get shit faced ^_^)

So wish me luck, cuz man, I'm gunna need it :D